In Ardent Observation of Cell Phone Courtesy Month
Etiquette for Mobile Phones You didn't think I was going to let Cell Phone Courtesy Month 2019 slip away without bestowing upon the digital webs my cell phone/mobile phone courtesy rant pleas rules, did you? Be Smarter Than the Smartphone, People Do not let...
8 Tips for School Smarts: One of the Best Back-to-School Tips List You Will Ever Read
Back-to-School Season's Greetings! This season finds me feeding my office/school product junkie habit under the guise of buying extra school supplies for my kids. Where does it find you? Back to School Tips From a Mom Who Could Not Retrieve Any Of the Children's Birth...
9 Things I’m Doing This Season to Make Life (a Little) Easier
This post contains affiliate links. #7. NUMBER 7! It's a book called The Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gawande. You get it via that link, and I get some loose change. Then you can check that off your list. Also, the Aladdin movie is linked. I miss Mr. Williams. No, You...
The Simplest Way to Decorate for Halloween
Decorating for every holiday is fun for some people. They live by it. I love some of these people. Decorating for Halloween is not my jam. I could maybe write something about Halloween Decorating for Dummies. Except, I'm not even that good. I do with Halloween what I...
Saturday Selections: Stay the Course
A roundup of articles with tips for all kinds of pursuits: creative, personal, work-related.
Captain Mom to Megaphone Summit 2016: An Influencer Conference
Every time you see a social media update that makes you want to click, read, watch, listen, wonder why the people in that photo are smiling…someone created, took video, wrote, produced, directed, edited. Images for blogs and content marketing. Video to help tell a story.