Kid Stuff

How We Incorporate (a little) Fun into Our Morning Routine
Does your morning routine with your offspring feel like crazy, out-of-control chaos? We wouldn't be family if it didn't at least some of time. But I don't like this to be our normal, so we do a few things around here to incorporate the lighthearted right along with...

67+ Children’s Books with Strong and Brave Female Characters
Strong and Brave Female Characters in Children's Literature A couple of weeks ago on International Woman's Day, I noticed, among many other things on social media, suggestions that there aren't but a tiny few children's books with strong lead female characters. This...

23 Skills Children Can Learn From the Simple Pleasures of Fall
Fall brings new energy. Maybe it's the variety that comes with a change in season, or the renewal that blows in with slightly chilled air. But the change brings new opportunities for family experiences (and a little natural education). Use the time before winter blows...

Don’t Let Your Origami Skills Go to Waste
This week, on spring break, my husband and I reached a new level of cool with our kids. (I'm not sure how cool we were to them before). I showed my children how to make a fortune teller, the paper things we made in school to find out who we liked and what we were...

13 Things Children Can Learn in the Spring
All the seasons bring new pleasures and new learning opportunities for children. The best way to educate is in the natural course of the day, and springtime seems to offer a whole lot of real-life, hands-on leaning opportunities every day. I'm trying to teach and show...