I Am The Mom
{photo credit: me | cake credit: me | inspiration for cake: a fab, fab recipe with a cake that was altogether more put together than the one above. I think this woman knows how to make cakes.} This is the Mom I Am I am not the mom who has shown up to eat lunches with...
This Has Been Brought to You by a Free-Range Mom Moment
What are your Free-Range/Helicopter Parent moments? You first, I hear you say. Who, me? I can helicopter parent with the best of them. I am vigilant (some might say ridiculously so) when it comes to video games (we don’t own any) and computer game sites (just so...
8 Tips for School Smarts: One of the Best Back-to-School Tips List You Will Ever Read
Back-to-School Season’s Greetings! This season finds me feeding my office/school product junkie habit under the guise of buying extra school supplies for my kids. Where does it find you? Back to School Tips From a Mom Who Could Not Retrieve Any Of the...
In Defense Of: Staring at Your Smartphone (While Your Children are Present)
This post isn’t about how to stop looking at your phone all the time and pay attention to your kids. It’s about how looking at your phone can be a good parenting strategy.