Decorating for every holiday is fun for some people. They live by it. I love some of these people.

Decorating for Halloween is not my jam. I could maybe write something about Halloween Decorating for Dummies. Except, I’m not even that good.

I do with Halloween what I do with other holidays: I go with the ease of decorating for the whole season. That means pumpkins and leaves last from the beginning of fall until Thanksgiving (and sometimes beyond).

Decorate Easy


My tips in Halloween Decorating Made Easy for Busy Families, written for Parenting Squad, stand the test of time, every time. These tips involve minimal work, minimal cost, and a house whose seasonal look won’t “expire” just because the holiday does. 🙂

And for last-minute help with costumes and candy: How to Make Halloween More Simple, Less Scary

What’s your decorating jam? How do you do it easy this time of year?