In Ardent Observation of Cell Phone Courtesy Month
Etiquette for Mobile Phones You didn’t think I was going to let Cell Phone Courtesy Month 2019 slip away without bestowing upon the digital webs my cell phone/mobile phone courtesy rant pleas rules, did you? Be Smarter Than the Smartphone, People Do not...
Keep it Moving: An Open Letter to my Kids about Summer
Dear Boys, Happy (almost) summer 2019 to you! You boys are already talking about summer. I gotta say, I am always ready for the next season. I wish for us lots of fun and a (somewhat) schedule-free few months. I’m looking forward to our vacations and trips and...
I Am The Mom
{photo credit: me | cake credit: me | inspiration for cake: a fab, fab recipe with a cake that was altogether more put together than the one above. I think this woman knows how to make cakes.} This is the Mom I Am I am not the mom who has shown up to eat lunches with...
This Has Been Brought to You by a Free-Range Mom Moment
What are your Free-Range/Helicopter Parent moments? You first, I hear you say. Who, me? I can helicopter parent with the best of them. I am vigilant (some might say ridiculously so) when it comes to video games (we don’t own any) and computer game sites (just so...
Fresh Eggs for Breakfast (Prepped the Night Before)
Once we started doing eggs this way, we’ve not looked back. Now, on the mornings I plan eggs for breakfast, I (and my kids) get crackin’ the evening before.