Dear Boys,

During the holidays, especially, random acts of kindness tend to be encouraged and celebrated. You might not have noticed this yet, though I know you’ve heard about random acts of kindness in school and other places.

It’s a new year now. Time to welcome 2016. And I have a message for you: don’t miss the forest for the trees.

Don’t miss the kindness that’s needed while working through a list of random kindness “assignments” or moments when you feel obligated to do something that might not be needed at all.


Nothing wrong with any kindness, of course, but there’s so much opportunity for direct kindness during the Everyday Things. Be aware of people in and alongside your path.

Remember the story of The Christmas Guest we read on Christmas Eve? That’s what I’m talking about.

May Your Acts of Kindess Be More Regular than Random, Rhonda Franz

Don’t miss the opportunities for kindness that’s needed:

  • Kind words and defense of the boy or girl getting teased at school
  • Reading for the friend who can’t read on his own
  • Making the new kid in class feel welcome
  • A visit to someone in the hospital who is sick
  • Hosting a guest at Christmas who hasn’t any family to spend the day with
  • Donating your toys to a child who has lost his home
  • Giving food to someone in need

What I’m saying is, don’t act on that premise alone. Be mindful, be vigilant, don’t turn your head or look away or think someone else will help this person.

And may I ever be vigilant of the same in service to others, the Lord, and to you as an example.

