When the weekend rolls around, it’s time for me roll with it, and sometimes reflect. It helps me remember the things I caught mid air that made me smile, nod my head, or laugh out loud.
The Saturday Session is random. There is no theme, really. Cool phrases, great quotes, a photo, or a link to a great article: it’s all fair game.
Simple pleasure
This week, I’ve been home with a sick child who has been fighting a bad bacterial infection for over a week. Praise Jesus: he is on the mend.
Our family doctor has called twice to check in on my boy, once in the evening. It is a simple thing, though it means (and helps) a great deal. A few minutes on the phone being able to talk things out and get a few questions answered is enough to put me at ease, not to mention saving a world of time and trouble and travel. It assures me our physician is interested in helping us be on top of things and cares about his patients.
Before dealing with my son’s illness, I was unexpectedly gone for a week, and that added more things on to an already decent-sized To Do list. I’m still catching trying to catch up. You’ve been there, right?
In a moment of stress overload, I felt the need to try and attack one part of a problem. Solve a little thing. Fix 1% of an issue. I wasn’t sure I would be able to, but tried. And it worked. 99% of this particular problem still exists, but right now I’m not frustrated about that. I fixed the tiny little bit that was most important for me, and that success has already helped my attitude.
When you’re in overwhelm gear, you might hear the advice to pick one problem or project you can complete. That’s great advice, but I’m saying, if you can’t even get to that, do 1% of something that will make the biggest difference.
Just For Laughs: The sticky trap
I got to hand it to this child of mine. These traps are off limits. Way off. If you have ever had to clean sticky trap sticky stuff out of someone else’s hair or off someone else’s skin, you know what I’m talking about. Somehow, putting one of his cool, fake bugs in the a sticky trap is, in his mind, falls on the side of This Should be Allowed. Rather than losing my sanctification over it (which I have done plenty), I clicked on the camera app and took a deep breath.
It ain’t always funny, but laughing is better than shouting, Mamas. For reals.
Because I still use some stock images: the cool “weekend” photo by Janine/Jackal1 Who doesn’t love Scrabble tiles?