A couple of years ago or so, a friend of mine who knows I write suggested I start a blog. Wrinkling my nose, I informed her that an online presence just wasn’t something I found appealing.
It took me another year and decision to at least do it for the “know how” to dive right in. I’d been writing for several years, perhaps a blog would be just the place to rant out those things that didn’t have any other home.
Now it’s not enough that I’ve got a blog. I’ve been inundated with requests to join the Facebook Revolution. And, everywhere I turn, someone I know is talking about Twittering something. Good grief! I don’t even text and still keep my schedule written on a kitchen calendar and in a little planner purchased each year when it goes 50% off in the new year.
This got me thinking about how I almost always resist any new technology. Then after a period of time, I come to embrace it.
And eventually decide I can’t live without it.
Cases in point:
It wasn’t until the very end of graduate school that I started doing first drafts on a computer rather than on a yellow legal pad (this from a girl who had Apple II computers in elementary school). I loathed the announcement that the district where I taught would be disseminating information via email rather than with a paper in my mailbox.
You get the idea.
But here am I. Online. Now I’m not yet ready to start the Hey Look At Us and What We Do Everyday family blog, or Twitter my goings-on every five minutes (although that is an ideal invention for someone who tends to process her thoughts aloud to others). But who knows when I will embrace the kind of technology that allows the whole world to know what I’m up against to.
So look out, Facebook. Here I come.