Building projects are on the go around my house these days. Actually, a little more un-building than building.
We took down (or shall I say, the professionals we hired took down) a wall between our kitchen and formal dining room. I immediately loved the way it looks and how opened up the area. What I didn’t like so much: how it threw the hideous 70’s–style dining room chandelier in full view. That thing is going to have to be replaced sooner, rather than later.
I also realized it is long past time to get some shades. I can’t believe I’ve lived in this house without any window coverings in the dining area, but since this room was used pretty much only for eating, we just shut the doors after dark.
Now, I’m scared that neighbors who walk by will be able to see across the yard and onto my kitchen. The one with the dirty dishes on the counter, crumbs on the floor, and the girl making coffee in her pajamas. Come to think of it, they might also see that ugly thing hanging from the ceiling.
The workers also took out an old deck, and are currently replacing it with new material. So far, it looks great. Of course, once that is finished, I’m going to actually want to get an outdoor table/chair set so I can enjoy the view to the fullest.
Interesting how all the money budgeted for these projects has led to my realization that more money may have to be spent. This is probably because, as much as I have a number of fantastic organizational qualities, there are some projects I tend to put off–resulting in things getting done out of order.
I’ll just have to see what bargains are out there on outdoor furniture and window shades.
And the chandelier? No worries. Now that it’s in full view, I’m certain if I invite enough people over, family and friends will take up a collection for its replacement.