Time for a session. A few things I’ve read that caught my eye, for one reason or another.

How to Be a Better Spouse

A marriage article I didn’t skim over. Perhaps it was the perfect title or I was in the mood (or need) for some good advice. That it is on a scientific site is intriguing as well. The four tips are practical and, even when I don’t like to admit it, doable.

3 Reasons I Hate Text Messages

Interesting post from Michael Hyatt, mostly for his encouragement of “canned responses” to keep your communication consistent.

I don’t hate text messages, but I shut down earlier than most people, and I don’t typically respond to texts or calls that come late in the evening. We can’t keep other people from calling or texting us at a certain time, but we can handle it on our end. In the same way that we kind of have to “train others how to treat us” (paraphrase of a Dr. Phil quote, I believe), we gotta be responsible for our own communication style.

Captain Mom, Rhonda Franz, Saturday Session, communication


Of course, I thought this was going to be about heart disease and exercise and the like, but with the information about the physiological relationship between mental health and heart health, it’s appropriate for a Jesus-loving girl.

8 Things Every Person Should Do Before 8 A.M.

In an effort to get routines up and running post-summer, I evaluated my mornings and how I was spending my time. I already did a few of the things mentioned here, and reading through the list helped me to shape up a bit. (The actual time is not necessarily the most important thing.) If most of these things get done before boys wake, so much the better. Disclosure: in my world, this usually means getting up by 4:30 if I want to really be ready for the day.

Rhonda Franz, Captain Mom, Saturday Session

7:00. There’s still time.


pixabay photo by alexas_fotos. I couldn’t find my alarm clock to take my own photo. Plus, this one is prettier. 

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