It’s another Saturday session, where I’m sharing what I’ve collected throughout the week. Good stuff to read, good stuff to eat, cute stuff to look at. Hope your Saturday, and the rest of your weekend, is a good one.
Some Really Good Reads
A really good list about acting like a grown-up. How to Be a Grownup by Matthew Dicks. The list is so….basic. Straightforward. It’s refreshing. (I’m not too into #9, ’cause I’m a faith girl.) I’m currently reading his book, Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend. This author is doing nonfiction and fiction quite well, I think.
Something I will cook (oh yes, I will).
I think the recipe name says it all, don’t you? Blackberry and Creamy Goat Cheese Sticky Buns. You better believe I clicked on that.
Bonus: Not much has to be modified with this recipe for me to make it dairy-free for my son who is lactose-intolerant. We’re gonna have fun with this.
Bonus bonus: My husband and I planted a blackberry bush in our yard last weekend. It’s gonna blossom like our love.
Something cute.
Image of the littlest boy, aka Spiderman. Life is rough when you’re four, so he’s taking a break and hanging back on a casual Friday.