Questions & Statements Children to Get Kids Talking


All my kids are suckers for those “Would You Rather?” “What’s Your Favorite” (or one of your favorite?), “If I Could…” kind of questions. These are great conversations starters. Their faces light up and I get much more response from them than when I ask the apparently boring, Hey, how was your day? question, which rarely gets me anything.

Having specific conversation starters means (most of the time) getting specific answers from my children. And laughs. And giggles. And yes, sometimes even frustration.

The best part about these ideas: new and different questions almost always lead to laughter and other conversations and questions. The boys love for Daddy and I to participate with our own answers as well and it often becomes quite the talk-fest.

191+ Conversation Starters for Kids and Families


30 Questions to Ask Your Kid Instead of “How Was Your Day?” {Popsugar} I sure like #25

99 Conversation Starters {Kids Activities Blog, Quirky Momma}

Would You Rather? Questions for Kids and Families {The Family Dinner Project}

50 Family Dinner Conversation Starters {Six Sisters Stuff} I keep a stack of strips in a drawer near our dining room and pull it out once in a while.