Hey Parents. You don’t need lots of fancy toys and contraptions for your kids. Just use the stuff you have hangin’ around at home for early childhood needs in all areas of development
Leather Book Weight
The best and least expensive can be found at Barnes and Noble.
adults: this handy tool keeps pages in place for reading
babies: the best teether money can buy
Baby Monitor
adults: to hear the cries so you can go running, or to sit back and take in a light show with this one
kids: walkie talkie, pretend cell phone
Fly swatter
adults: killing flies, gnats, wasps
kids: practicing large motor skills, striking dust bunnies, clearing the fridge of grocery lists, photos, and magnets, knocking figurines off the bookshelf
Hand-held Mirror
adults: vanity
kids: a tool to entertain themselves by shining the reflection of bright light on the floor, the ceiling, in your eyes