News from the midwest and south:  We are stuck in an ice storm, and there’s no way out for the foreseeable future. Our family – as well as most of our friends (you know, the ones we were gonna stay with) – are also without power. Fortunately, we were able to get into a hotel before it filled. It’ll be some $$, but I’m trying to think about what’s it worth.

The whole family in one room 24 hours/day (with free coffee, internet access, free laundry, kitchenette, lots of interesting people to talk to-yet still the ability to escape to the privacy of our own room)


staying with family or friends semi-long term. 


Hmmm. I’m going to have to get back to you on that.


And on that note…

I have an idea for a piece about surviving a short term hotel stay with a toddler and an infant.

And a husband.


Stay tuned.