Several years ago, during a particularly difficult trial, I learned that – despite having to struggle against all natural inclinations – there is a great freedom in obeying God.
The lesson learned then is coming back to haunt me (or is it to bless me and teach me?) now.
Give me understanding, and I will keep your law and obey it with all my heart. Turn my heart toward your statutes and not toward selfish gain. Psalm 119:34, 36 NIV
This theme is strong and powerful throughout the Bible. I find it intriguing that many people in the Scriptures paid dearly for one outright act of disobedience, despite the godly lives they led. Others – including some who had lived a life of unrepentant sin – obeyed God out of faith in some of the most interesting circumstances and received salvation.
There are times in our lives that God may ask much of us, and times when he asks very little (according to our own standards, that is).
But He always wants obedience.