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It’s spring break time, yes?
Spring break is different as a parent. When I was a teacher, I remember heading out to the parking lot, smile on my face, so ready for a week of my own. A rest from 12-hour days, actually sitting down to eat lunch. (Come to think of it, actually eating lunch.)
Sending my students home to their parents for a whole week.
Of course, I always worked a lot on teaching stuff during spring break:
- Papers
- Lesson planning & activities
- Cleaning up my classroom
- Catching up (but hardly ever getting ahead).
Now I’m the parent. The family dynamic changes with everyone home. No long travels planned. A day trip, perhaps.
The kids are all mine. All day.
I’ll be on call 24/7, as always. My workdays are 14-16 hours long, and I probably won’t sit down at lunch. How did that happen?
But it’s all cool. We’ll be doing some stuff:
- Maybe getting gardens ready for spring planting. We’ll get down and dirty.
- We’re already dirty, so we’ll stay outside and experience science!
- Play dates with friends – the ones you don’t get to see much when you start school.
- Play with matchbox cars and Legos.
- Clean up bedrooms a bit, clear out a bit more clutter
- Do laundry, like, every day. the kids will love it.
- Watch a movie or two.
- Run some errands
- Bake some cookies
- Do some painting. Possibly some crafts. Break out the cool kinetic sand on the forecasted cloudy days.
Well, until yesterday all of my plans were foiled by the rain. Our plans had been that we were going to spend all of Spring Break outdoors, except when we were asleep. At night, I had also planned to clean a lot of the house, including a thorough cleaning and re-organizing of my daughter’s bedroom. I got the rest of the house cleaned, but not the kiddo’s room. Maybe I can get that done today. Naw…I think I’ll just go out for coffee instead. 😉