by Rhonda | Mar 14, 2017 | Parenthood, Adventures, Writing
I have affiliate links in this post, because those triangle crayons are the greatest thing since someone sliced bread. Are you traveling for spring break? Tips for Airline Travel with Children For this one, I had to get help. I actually fly very...
by Rhonda | Apr 1, 2014 | Writing
Shakespeare, Frost, Wordsworth, Price: all the great literature. Let’s call it as we see it, shall we? Shakespeare’s work is timeless, and a simple stroll through the outdoors is never as beautiful and meaningful in any pen, than that of Robert Frost. And...
by Rhonda | May 30, 2013 | Writing
Well, that picture just says it all. But haven’t you heard of this? A “Done” list, rather than a “To Do” list. The whole idea was music to my ears. It’s a nice solution to the end of a long day when you’re perhaps feeling...
by Rhonda | Mar 16, 2009 | Writing
A year ago at Christmas, my husband bought me The Making of a Story: A Norton Guide to Creative Writing by Alice LaPlante. It’s a great text with excellent writing advice and practical exercises for writers. One task was to create a “Harper’s Index...